Days of Caring

Choice is always with us – I believe we have choice in all things – but sometimes the lines  are somewhat blurry and it is difficult to really understand that  – “Yes.  I did put my hand up for this.” Actually at the time, someone needed...

Stillness Within

Living in a land where few speak my mother tongue, most of the language around me is simply sound – there are many children here and none of them are silent – so it is often a cacaphony of big sound. But the sound is sound … laughter, play – as...

Intentions Awry in India

All good intentions to blog yesterday went completely awry-  two subjects arose in my meditation in the morning – Finding My Inner Voice and The Qualities of Patience.  Great topics for a blog.  But all good intentions can come to naught in the face of 123...

The time to move…

When it is time to move on in your life, it is not always an easy thing to do.  Ties are there, connections are there – a feeling of leaving family behind – especially when the life has been intense and committed and full of heart.  But even in that...