by Shazar | Aug 9, 2016 | consciousness, Poetry, writing
Fortune smiles upon me The wings of my being lift and fly and I am embraced Deep touching of heart – bodies melting into each other. Boundaries disappear, hearts beating as one. I did not see it coming like a bird on the wing Flying into my world Lifting my...
by Shazar | Jul 26, 2016 | consciousness, Mother Earth, travel
On Country One word – connected What privilege to take three days out and go bush with a revered aboriginal elder – Uncle Noel Nannup. To see through the eyes of one so connected. The signs are everywhere but we have been blind. We walk through the bush...
by Shazar | Jun 17, 2016 | consciousness
Two years ago I was really beginning to get into water harvesting and I had my focus set on making a documentary about the subject. This way I thought I could raise awareness and funds for the projects I was supporting. So I invested in a really great camera.. the...
by Shazar | Jun 10, 2016 | consciousness, Life Skills
What are the learnings of family relationships? In fact of all relationships. Most of the time number one would be “It’s not all about me!” Its is a refrain that should be imprinted on my brain. I could delete yesterday’s post – I could say: “Ah this was...
by Shazar | May 31, 2016 | consciousness, Mother Earth
Tonight I am tree lashed by winds rain beating through branches leaves flying limbs tossed roots standing firm. Fortune smiles on me I live in the forest the community of trees grasses, bushes, roots entwined I am strong in my community I live I bend I flow with the...
by Shazar | Mar 4, 2016 | consciousness, Environment, Mother Earth
The Mother under my feet wherever I may walk. She is first – she supports me and holds me and feeds me. What other path is possible but only to open my hands and my heart and to pour back the blessings upon her in whatever way I can. For she is my Mother. The...