Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness is in the forefront of my reality today. Dave Rogers coach extraordinaire reminded me that today is a day for random acts of kindness. I don’t know if it is the official day but should every day not be the offical day for kindness? And here is a poem...


When all is dropping and disappearing in the heart of all this disappearance is hidden your spring From this point you will start growing new flowers that you have never seen before. Osho from the book Signatures on Water.

Playing A Bigger Game

Playing a bigger game. This is a term I have been working with .. mulling over in my brain, trying to get my head around for months, no probably some years .. seeing it as some sort of goal that I had to acheive – something that I needed to do or control or...

Universal Messages Come in Ordinary Ways

I just got back from the Dreamcatchers Cruise.  Phew.. what a wonderful extraordinary trip this has been – sharing wth exceptional people from all over the world.  I will tell you more of this in the coming days and share insights that I have been privileged to...

A World of Love – Happiness

Bruce Lipton Phd said: “When the brain sees a world of love, it releases happy chemicals.  These translate into chemistry that controls the health of the cell.” If you don’t know who Bruce Lipton is you are excused but I highly recommend that you...

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The stories we tell ourselves are the stories that define the potentiality of our existence. We are our stories. Shekhar Kapur A wonderful talk seen recently on TED ideas worth spreading. If you don’t know the TED talks I highly recommend them.   There are...