Shazar's meanderings
from a life of service to Mother EarthWelcome to my blog –
it meanders through many different topics as you will see… some pure fiction – many about my life and personal views – I hope you will gain some insights from whatever your read here and that these musings will be of value to you.

Food, Culture, and the people – taste the difference!
Food Glorious Food - Hot chappatis and chai!! A challenge we all face when travelling can be the food. It’s such a basic comfort - and travelling can show us very quickly how attached we can be to our usual diet. "Where’s my muesli? Where’s my coffee? Where’s my...

When’s the best day to bake a cake?
You might ask when’s the best day to bake a cake? Well in my view just about any day will do. But baking has certain qualities to it. and baking brings its own delights. It is not just the delicious taste of what you bake, but the smell that pervades your house. ...

Evil Works By Diversion …
She sat in a state of confusion - despair beckoning its bony finger at her.. information overload crowding in - YouTube, FaceBook messages, friends wanting to keep her informed - random drive by panic stories… conspiracy? - Fake news? Is it real? - It feels real, all...

Heart Break on the 9.35 train to Mumbai
It was a train to Mumbai - I hadn’t caught that train before.. I had no idea what it was going to be like. I didn’t know that I would have to run.. have to push and jostle and shove to even get on the train. I didn’t know that there would be no place to sit.. that I...

The Bear? Loose in the Australian Forest?
It was a bit murky in the trees and something was moving quietly just behind them… It was almost imperceptible but she knew it was there.. more a feeling than hearing anything. Just a sense that they were not entirely alone. Their pace quickened imperceptibly .. not...

“Nice Tea Dear” with thanks to Dylan Thomas
She climbs gingerly out of bed. Feet touching the scruffy mat. Standing she shakes the last of sleep from her head and moves to feel the state of her body. ah.. not too much pain today. The bruises are there but nothing seems broken. Tiptoeing so as not to wake him...

The Imaginal Cells – a story of the soup of creation
There is a story I know - perhaps you know it too. But this time I am telling it - and when we tell old stories the flavour is often new because it is told in our own voice with our own cadence and tone. I hope you enjoy this tale told anew. It's about a...

The Sea of Stars – for my sister….
She swam through a silken sea of fish and stars - the gossamer web of the night spiders drifted around her shoulders entangling her for a heart beat as she flicked her shimmering tail. The search from her mind's eye seemed endless - the myriad of stars stretched...

Interbeing – another day of the Pandemic
It is said by many that the world is changing .. that its is way past time for the change.. predictions abound, the end of the Kali Yuga..Nostradamus, Biblical Revelations - but also the time of the chrysalis, the butterfly may yet emerge.. gestating in the imaginal...

Nothing – Nobody
Seeking nothingness - nobody-ness I sit.. I feel, I seek to allow myself to be. To be with the shedding of the trappings of my identities.. to understand who I am not. and through the who I am not to begin to sense who i am. As I meditate in the morning ... I...