Out of Darkness comes the light…

He was galloping like a bat out of hell. Who knows what demons were behind him but he couldnt stop. The momentum started and propelled him into the future faster than a speeding bullet.

Suddenly from 2017 he landed in 2132. Oh my God.. where would this adventure end?

Metaphorically speaking he was simply out of his time.. out of time, out of tune and into a world he knew nothing of. And finally he stopped – stopped and stared .. and was stared at. He was surrounded by luminous beings – unsure if they were really there, their ‘bodies’ were filled with light and appeared as filmy as a gossamer wing. But there they were – as they hovered around his density – wondering at this presence out of time.

Tim gasped as he staggered mentally between his past reality and this.. this reality which was like nothing he had ever found before.

All he had wanted to do was to write. To pen a poem or a story that could illustrate the power of a metaphor and here it seemed he was thrown completely out of his own time and space and into something that he could only begin to describe as surreal.

What had been triggered to bring this on? And now .. ? What was he to do? Ah.. “communicate dumby” came his inner voice. “Oh please don’t be tough on me.. I only just arrived.. but yes.. you are right.. well you always are.. just I don’t listen to you that much.. or at least not enough”.. “Ok ok.. enough chatter.. now you need to communicate with those who are waiting for you”

He held out his hand – tentatively to the nearest being .. wondering if his hand would pass right through the ‘body’ of that being. But no.. his hand brushed the hand of the other .. and a tingle went through him.. akin to that electic shock you sometimes got when you wore synthetic clothing.. but far more pleasant. And he tried his voice.. “Hello – I am Tim.. I don’t know where I am .. I don’t know how I came here.. it has been all a bit sudden.”

A ripple went through those who were floating around him.. and he understood this ripple as a laughter – it felt warm, it felt friendly – it felt welcoming.. relief.

And now their voices in unison.. “You are welcome.. you are here with us now.. its time to relax and understand the past is gone.. the age of light is upon you.. you made it!”
“Yes we know .. you thought it would never change – the fight, the terrors, the darkness of those embedded in the power struggles – but here you are.. this is your future.. this is the time that you will see on the horizon.”

And no you may not stay here now.. this is not yet yours to enter fully – this is a time for you to glimpse – to know is in your future.. and to take back .. learn the metaphor for it is ever powerful.

Your world is in darkness like a horror story of the war of the worlds – but the time to come will bring you into the light of the beyond. A new beginning as the flower emerges from the darkness of the soil – your world becomes as ours.. it is the same .. the one and only .. our earth our land our world.

Look around you .. see the trees soaring high into the blueness of the clear sky – like angels reaching into the heavens.. see the animals living in harmony as Oneness prevails – see the waters running clear and clean – as pristine as the mountain springs. This beloved one is the metaphor you are seeking. The metaphor that shines the light of the future into your now – that illustrates so clearly the presence of the possible – for time is not real – it is fleeting as the wind – rustling in the trees and the mountain tops, here one moment and gone the next – into the future – into the realm of possibility – into the widening of the spirit that has gone before that always is – that always ever will be.

Your future – our present – everyone’s possibility – bring it on.. know that it exists here now then before, after, always. The darkness is only the shadow of the light – it is there to show the light for without it .. light cannot be.

Bless your darkness as it is heralding the light – the light comes – the angels sing, the waters of the world shine in streams and rivers of the land – flowing as they always will – to the expanse and heart of the sea.

A short tale for South Freo Writers Group…..