As you know if you have been following this blog, I am in a massive transition in my life.  Moving out of the old .. and into a new situation – a new life. A new way of being.  Well is it really a new way of being or simply moving deeper into a state of trust and surrender to what is?

And to be truthful to myself, that is a journey that I have been on for very many years.  It just feels of late to be considerably more intense.

And somehow in that intensity it becomes as something new – something untested, something to be stepped into in a way that I have yet to experience.

In the past few days I have found myself in a lull, a feeling of a gap.  I have completed – or almost – all the promotion for the Sage Journey to India that I am organising – well completed in effect, all the computer version – and now is the time to get out there.  To move into the ‘face to face’ arena.

And in this small transition phase – cyber space to real space, I confront the gap.  That’s interesting – this little ‘gap’ is allowing all the hidden emotions and concerns to surface, that somehow were buried in me.

The feelings of: “Is this enough?”  can I connect once again to that knife edge place of total trust and allowing of ‘what is’ to manifest in my life?

It feels almost as if I have lost it…

and so I have turned once again as I do on these occasions of quandary and questioning to an old friend – no I don’t know this man – but he is a mentor of mine for his words have so often brought a clarity and insight into my life.

Barry Brailsford and his beautiful Wisdom of the Four Winds cards.

The card he offered to me was Hawk – Vision – and the message was of reassurance and the admonition to Honour the Dream.

To look outward for inspiration and inward for insight and to risk the journey.

Hawk speaks of of becoming lost in frustration and hopelessness, in confusing detail and a narrowed world.  And from that .. speaks of taking the time to let the Spirit fly.

In my own struggle and falling into the darkness, I am aware that this is so often what is also happening around me.

How when I am feeling these dark times,  I must remind myself that those I am connected with can also be in this space.  And that it is needed that I share what I am learning or feeling.. and also the way through the dark time is to be freely given .. because now the message is not simply for me alone as we are not alone.

We are intimately connected.  Our energy fields are common ground.. it is time to share all – to be open, to express vulnerability – because only in this way can we assist each other to move through the dark times and to regain that vision of the dream which is to come.

So the Hawk tells us to renew the vision, to gather power, to nurture acceptance and honour courage.  To heighten awareness and end separation.  To offer hope and join the circle .. to turn our faces to the way home.

Come take my hand – let us journey together.