It was a bit murky in the trees and something was moving quietly just behind them…
It was almost imperceptible but she knew it was there.. more a feeling than hearing anything. Just a sense that they were not entirely alone.
Their pace quickened imperceptibly .. not even sure why, but the sense of needing to move along .. to reach a place that felt more open and safe. As they picked up their stride the shadow flicked out from the side of the trees .. and they both gasped in unison. “What was it .. were they in bear country – no come on.. this is Australia.. there are no bears – apart from cuddly koalas..”
Still the shadow looked distinctly bear like. But now as they both strained their eyes they could see nothing .. no movement and they hurried on.
The ground was squelchy underfoot.. the recent rains leaving muddy pools on the old path.. no one had been this way in a while and it was very overgrown. The sun had gone down a half hour before and dark was rapidly overtaking the thick growth.
Why they had left it so long to turn back on the afternoon bush walk? It has been a long time since they had spent time together – wandering in the bush. The afternoon had been idyllic – scrambling along the paths brimming with new growth from the recent rains – even the frogs were out early .. and the birds busy in the afternoon sun.
They hadn’t really noticed the time and suddenly it was past time to turn back. “Ah it will be fine” – but now it was no longer fine – seeming to get darker by the minute and the only phone they had with them was low on charge – and out of range.
She caught hold of his hand – gripping more tightly – feeling as she did the chill in her fingers. No, not the chill from the evening air but the chill of the edge of fear. Not even sure how much further it was to go.. the previously familiar path now steeped in darkness with no recognisable features from the earlier passing.
“It’s okay” they reassured each other: “We are together – this is Australia – there are no wild dangerous animals here – all we have to do is get back to the car just keep going – hold my hand.” .. “no the path is too narrow .. it is difficult”.. “I wish we had a torch – do you have the water bottle?.. Can you see anything?.. shall we try to run?” .. “no no.. its too dark you will fall”..
Their breathing became heavier and more rapid and the fear pushed their heartbeats high. Even with the sound of their panting and the noise of their passing – there was a clear sense of something just out of sight – trailing their passage.
“Oh please let us see the car soon”… and now the path changed.. it left the side of the creek and wound up through more open forest on a gravelled track – the round balls of gravel slippery under their feet… sliding .. skidding as they hurried along.
The shadow – was it following.. where was it?.. had it left them behind? – what was it? .. “At least I remember this part of the walk” – she said – “it passes that old shack by the side .. remember.. I think I can see that ahead – oh it is so dark now.. where is the moon?”
On and on.. how had they ever come this far – in the afternoon it felt like a stroll.. and now a route march with the end still not in sight.
But looming out of the darkness came the shack – more like an old shed and surprisingly there was a dim glow leaking through the gaps in the corrugated iron sides. “Somebody is here.. someone lives here?” and as they held tight to each other’s hands – and came closer to the shed – a semblance of a door scraped open .. and what appeared to be a heap of rags emerged. An old man – a squatter in the bush – “hello” he called .. “who are you.. what are you doing here.”.
“Only a couple of late bush walkers.” her partner called.. “its okay.. we are friendly.”
“Yeah friendly like the bear.” he said..
“Bear?”.. they called.. “what bear?”
“Huh lucky you didn’t meet it!” he cried.. “It’s been in these parts for a few years.. it’s big .. you don’t know.. you never heard of it? No of course.. no one admits that it is here.. this is Australia they say. But I know .. I’ve seen it many times.. it’s lonely you see.. it doesn’t have any bear friends.. so it hangs around a bit.. and it’s none too friendly. I can show you what it did to me when I got too close. But now you will be thinking I am mad.. just a mad old man in the bush.. ha .. go on.. hurry up.. get back to your car before she comes .. she will be out hunting tonight.. she likes the dark of the moon.”