Can you imagine going to a workshop on soul expansion – business consciousness and connection – history lessons and discovery of the conflict of the soul all rolled into one and essentially conducted on a long bus ride?

mosque roof

That’s just what I have done – with a diverse group of people from all around the world – journeying through the ancient and fascinating land of Turkey.   We walked, explored, ate – drove, drank Efes beer, walked some more, talked and opened our hearts on a bus journey across Turkey that started out with a bunch of new acquaintances and some old friends and ended up in a cohesive group.  Each person on our bus  began to feel safe and open with all the other travellers and in a few short days we went from a loose bunch to a tight circle of friends.

doner shop

Travelling can be a challenge with other people and I am certainly not one for organised ‘tours’ – but this one was different.  It was a learning Soul Journey.  Funny thing about a fairly small bus – there is even space to be alone – to stare out the window at the passing land – to lose yourself in the mists of dreams while the road is eaten up below you. And there is time to sit with another and really meet that person at the deepest level that you each allow.   The hours went fast – the stops were great – Turkey’s road side fuel pumps are way more than a pie and sausage roll stop!  Fermented carrot juice anyone?


Scarey looking knives that were almost a flick knife for the price of a double ice-cream?  (Had to get one of those for my brother in law!)  The usual bric a brac – souvenirs – with some very nice hand made woven cloth bags. Even a carpet or two!  And the food – delicious lentil soups for starters, kebab heaven – luscious tomato salads – and fish.. ooh the trout at the Ataturk Dam! clif house

I love travelling – and especially when the deeper meaning of the lives of those who have gone before you over the land is revealed.  There is so much to dig into in the land of Turkey… such a tumultous history – the meeting of Asia and Europe.   I think we scratched the surface – but the digging deep we did into our own stories and our own ‘his or her’story was of most value.

Soul Journey
The undercurrents of love swirl the mind
Letting go – the conflict of the soul –
As we travel, the magic bus carrying us through lands ancient and scarred
The music buries deep in my heart.

Letting go
Letting go

Peeling the layers of pain – touching the depth of the land
Heart opens
The winds blow through cleansing the mirrors of our soul
As we bow in gratitude –
Hearts open
and the circle of our family joins.
