I have been having a meltdown this morning –
With some help from my friends, I came to understand what this ‘meltdown’ has been about and what it has shown me.

Simply – I need to “let go of outcomes” – and do what I do do simply because it is mine to do. And as I move through my life, that which is mine to do gives me great satisfaction and joy. This is the outcome.

However it remains to be said – what I saw this morning is relevant for us to ‘get’. And as I write this I see also that I need to let go of the outcome of wanting everyone to ‘get’ what I am realising.

So it is this: we can spend much time and energy trolling through Facebook, seeing the posts that Facebook has deemed important for us to read, vicariously enjoying the adventures and the ups and downs of our ‘friends’ lives and sometimes re-posting something that touches our heart or our intellectual selves – or even says Hooray for our favourite team.

But in the scheme of things, what does clicking a like
really do?

I have to look at it from my point of view as that is really all I have. “ I did a post – and I got 103 likes .. and 4 comments.  Success.”

What? what success? what is that? a small massage to my ego.. this many people see what I write.. this many people like it .. share it and spread the word. And then…….

and then…..

what changed?


This morning as I woke up I saw myself tomorrow heading off on my road trip – this road trip I have been so excited about .. that seemed like an idea born from inspiration – a way to inspire many people to put their hand up.. or rather perhaps in their pocket to support our work here. A way to bring water to our thirsty planet. And I realised that despite the hours I have spent writing, connecting, speaking, organising – creating videos, that in fact the real result so far has been very small in relation to the effort expended.

Ah – but what am I trying to say for this post is not for you dear reader.. but for me. As is all that I do. It may look like I am doing work for Mother Earth and yes I am.. but in fact I am doing this and writing this for me.

But I am going to say it again.

Clicking Like does not change the world. Clicking like does not make a difference. Clicking Like is a form of voyeurism with no effect. Clicking like sends a hollow message that “I stand with you.”

How many likes will we click before we really see what is happening on our planet and get up and take action? Taking action is the crucial key to the creation cycle. Inspiration, ideas – action – result. No action no result.

And interestingly enough, despite all those who advocate the visualisation of the result – and focus on that – the most important aspect is to “yes – see the result but then let go of it”.. let go of the outcome – simply initiate the action and continue to take the steps that are revealed to you as you move forward – but let go in every moment because when I hold on to the result – what comes is not the joy in my life – but the pain of disappointment – the worry of not acheiving the result, the disturbance in the flow of energy and blocking the flow of allowing of the next move in this game to show itself – for it is not me that is in control – if I try to control – all is lost.

And… I want to shout at us all.. stop clicking likes and get on with it.. take action for nothing can happen unless we do.

It’s time to move, it’s time to act, it’s time to get up out of the chair and join the dance of life.