The stories we tell ourselves are the stories that define the potentiality of our existence. We are our stories. Shekhar Kapur

A wonderful talk seen recently on TED ideas worth spreading. If you don’t know the TED talks I highly recommend them.   There are wonderful concepts seen and heard here.

But back to the words of Shekhar Kapur.

We create stories to define our existence. A person without a story does not exist.

He talks on how he puts himself into chaos in order to get out of  his mind – to create – to bring in the source that we connect with when we meditate.

I suggest you will be inspired beyond yourself by watching this wonderful talk.

And the inspiration that occurred to me as I watched and listened to what he had to say is this:  What stories are you telling yourself?  Do you tell stories that hold you within limits, to excuse yourself, to keep yourself small, to rationalise your unwillingness to step into who your truly are?

Or  do you tell yourself stories that will lift you to greater heights, stories that will pull you toward your greatness – that will hook you into the essential archetypes of our world – the hero stories?  Because these are the stories that will also define our future – the stories that will bring us into our full potential as human beings.

If you find yourself telling the fairy tale of doom and gloom – the Brothers Grimm style tales – where the victim is fattened up for the slaughter .. and the wicked witches wait in the wings to pounce on the unwary.. change the channel!

Flip the switch.. choose and choose again.. choose your stories wisely for they not only define you.. yourself  but define us all as the human race, define our nations and define us as a people who can courageously move forward into the future that we envisage and dream ourselves.. leaving behind the limitation and smallness of the nightmares of our restrictive past.

And not only that – help your children to dream the dreams and tell the stories that will bring them too into a future worth living beyond the stories of disaster that abound in these days of change and evolution.