Why Wiggling Your Toes Lowers Stress

I was lying on the theatre table all draped in green sheets, about to have cataract surgery with only local anesthetic drops to numb my left eye.  Stressed – yes you could say that.  Body in high alert – no real idea how this is going to feel or affect my...

Vaccine Zombie

Mike Adams the Health Ranger has really hit it with this rap song.. worth a look .. with some excellent messages we need to hear. This text will be replaced by the player

A World of Love – Happiness

Bruce Lipton Phd said: “When the brain sees a world of love, it releases happy chemicals.  These translate into chemistry that controls the health of the cell.” If you don’t know who Bruce Lipton is you are excused but I highly recommend that you...

First Do No Harm

I was a straight laced, medically oriented, relatively tunnel vision Occupational Therapist. Ready to shoot down anyone who suggested anything out of my belief system patterns. Until my husband – almost ready to die, was healed by a Balinese shaman. My husband –...

Depression, Anxiety, Mad or Toxic?

In a recent episode of Dr Who… Van Gogh is lying face down in desperation on his bed..deep in his darkest mood… enter the ‘Doctor’ – who says – thinking to ‘cheer him up’: “In my experience – there is always hope.” Van Gogh retorts from deep in...